Looking for Lessons

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Joined: 01/10/2021 - 13:25
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Looking for Lessons

Long time snowboarder and wakeboarder wanting to get into this sport. I've read through the lack of options locally for lessons, hoping someone has some better options they have come into. On the plus side, I have access to boats (pontoon or ski type boats) on Lake Lanier, which can get people and gear to better launch spots around the lake. No problem paying for lessons also.

I've seen many of the responses about doing lessons around some of the coasts, which I'll do as plan B but hoping to get my feet wet here so perhaps I can be more self sufficient when I do vacation on the coasts.

Jimmy Dykes

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Looking for Lessons

Hi and welcome!

Kiting is so much about learning to control the kite and its power. A kite has enough power to boost you 30 ft in the air or pull you 25-35 mph. It's not trivial. That's why getting proper lessons should be Plan A even if it feels like your previous boarding experience has you "almost there". Yes, it is beneficial and will help shorten the curve, no doubt. But, to kite safely, you need proper instruction on how to launch, steer and deal with things going wrong.

Do you have or have you been already flying a trainer kite? Do you have your own gear?

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Looking for Lessons

There are no lessons available in Atlanta that I am aware. Lessons are available in Tybee Island at this shop. There may be another as well.


Next closest spots might be at Hilton Head, Jekyll Island, Jacksonville, Destin, Panama City and Charleston. Finally the Outer Banks (OBX) has plenty of places that do lesson and there is plenty of shallow water to facilitate learning. OBX is 700 miles away, the other places are a lot closer but wind is generally not as good or as predictable.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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moredownhaul's picture
Joined: 05/10/2007 - 07:28
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Re: Looking for Lessons

Lake Lanier water temps are 50 degrees, I’d head as far south as possible to learn.
Somewhere warm with steady winds.


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dave_delozier's picture
Joined: 04/20/2002 - 06:28
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Re: Looking for Lessons
webguy wrote:

Kiting is so much about learning to control the kite and its power. A kite has enough power to boost you 30 ft in the air or pull you 25-35 mph. It's not trivial. That's why getting proper lessons should be Plan A even if it feels like your previous boarding experience has you "almost there". Yes, it is beneficial and will help shorten the curve, no doubt. But, to kite safely, you need proper instruction on how to launch, steer and deal with things going wrong.

Webguy is spot on here. There is a lot to learn and an instructor will keep you and others around you safe. Lanier is not a learning location as it is a very difficult lake to kite, IKO level 3 kiter as a minimum. We witnessed last week in the Keys, a very good kiter (100lb female) catch a steering line on a palm tree walking toward the water. It sent her kite into a death loop lifting her, before it was over she hit a 6’ high wood privacy fence 3 times. The first time hitting it she busted boards, even knocking off the back ones, then lifted 2 more times each time landing on top of the fence. Fortunately, she survived it but many don’t. It’s just that it’s not a “get my feet wet” type of sport, there is a ton of risk in being connected to a full size kite. I’d be happy to help get you started and it’s a great sport, but the early learning stages can be very dangerous. When kiters get hurt, or hurt others, it paints a negative picture for the whole kiting community and can endanger future kiting access for everyone!

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webguy's picture
Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Looking for Lessons

Dave is modest about his own skills (like most really good people). He's an excellent kiter. I appreciate his input. I'm glad the kiter involved wasn't hurt worse.

source: https://windsportatlanta.com/gallery/album/662/list Lots of good kite shots of Dave, Alejo, Richard

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Joined: 04/23/2019 - 07:59
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Re: Looking for Lessons

Completely agree with the above. Its hard to overstate how unsuitable Lanier is for even intermediate kiters.
I recently taught my wife to kite, and it reminded me how nice it is to have wide open spaces and a spot that is shallow.
Its the grim reality of living in Atlanta, not until you have spend many weeks at the coast, will the lake be a viable option.

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Looking for Lessons

Since you already have a boat and know how to wakeboard, you might consider trying wake foiling. (You don't need to actually surf the wake, you can just stay towed by the boat.)


Then after you do that, you can ditch the boat and learn to wingfoil which seems to be a reasonable option at Lake Lanier. There is also windfoiling which uses windsurfing gear to foil. Wakeboard skills would seem more transferable to wingfoiling than windsurfing, but either can be done here.


What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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