Three tips on folding wings

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webguy's picture
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Three tips on folding wings

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Barrett's picture
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Re: Three tips on folding wings

Just what we wanted to know for avoiding a loud bang when inflating a wing.


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Joined: 12/26/2002 - 08:16
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Re: Three tips on folding wings

Use a pump with a pressure gauge...

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windlord's picture
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Re: Three tips on folding wings

Bill Herderich

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Joined: 12/26/2002 - 08:16
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Re: Three tips on folding wings

I wonder a few things about his methods:
- why is his knee on the strut - seems this could cause a hole in the bladder
- I'm not sure that you want to roll kites/wings - but I may be wrong on that.

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Randy's picture
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Re: Three tips on folding wings
rgenet wrote:

I wonder a few things about his methods: - why is his knee on the strut - seems this could cause a hole in the bladder - I'm not sure that you want to roll kites/wings - but I may be wrong on that.

It seems you do, esp. with wings that have windows. Robbie apparently had a problem with some his having the vinyl crack when people folded it, so he did a vid saying to roll it up and sent every one a new bag longer bag. I've rolled one of mine up for that reason.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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jibes's picture
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Re: Three tips on folding wings

Oh that was helpful, thanks for posting! I have seen other ways, mostly like the way it was when first opening the package brand-new. Mine has windows, so it needs to be rolled. Doubling it at the center strut makes sense and keeping the fill valve unobstructed was helpful and also rolling out the air with the wing sides together. I was trying to roll each side to the center but that was inefficient for various reasons. I'm going to try wing suping (atop my various windsurf and surf boards) in Brunswick the next 2 weeks, leaving this afternoon. YAYYYYYYYYYYY If anyone is out at the Golden Isles starting tomorrow, you have company on the water.


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Re: Three tips on folding wings
rgenet wrote:

Use a pump with a pressure gauge...

Rule #1 Use a pressure gauge


Ask me how I know. Yes 3

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jibes's picture
Joined: 03/18/2002 - 06:56
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Re: Three tips on folding wings

How do you know for sure? I guess if it's too much it will pop. Err on the side of not enough? -Mimi


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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Three tips on folding wings

I have a cheap SUP pumps that doesn't even register until it gets to 7. OK for SUP but you could have a snap-crackle-pop wing...

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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Joined: 05/20/2019 - 11:42
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Re: Three tips on folding wings
jibes wrote:

How do you know for sure? I guess if it's too much it will pop. Err on the side of not enough? -Mimi

I hooked a few standard pump type gauges to a 25' column of water attached to my house and compared them. They were all over the place like way off, like 3 and 4 PSI off. The only ones that were accurate were the better type I bought on Amazon. A digital and a oil filled 0-15 psi gauges.

Even the digital and oil filled have issues. I have both of them on my pump parallel. The oil has to be vented or burped for accuracy and the digital was way off out of the box not sure why, but cycling through the types of pressure it reads got it to read spot on accurate somehow ( but you need to make sure it's on PSI and not Bars or...
Last few times out the oil one was lower than the digital. I think the cold effects the reaction time of the oil filled gauge, so it reads low when hand pumping and a check valve is involved.

I normally keep my 7m wing under 6 PSI but last time I comprised between the 2 readings, the digital reading 7psi, and oil reading 5ish. Then POW! My center strut said loudly to me in it's own lan-guage " Hey stupid, you need the trust the digital gauge, now go fix me" I will be looking closer at the strut while inflating in the future as described.

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Three tips on folding wings

Here is a video from Gong which tells how to check w/o relying on the pump gauge. I've used a similar method by seeing if the wing itself will bend about 2 ft from the tip.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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