Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent East wind )

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Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent East wind )

... and I did my "first wing jibe" on this outing. Yea, doesn't count if not on the water, but... great practice.
This is a 5 m^2 wing, bought used - good stuff!
And we're on a Carver skateboard - that you can "pump" (more side to side).

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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...

Randy has competition for King/Queen of the Asphalt.

Looks like when the water warms up, you'll be having to buy another foilboard.

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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...

I need to find a open parking lot ( or...) to do this.

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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...

Randy's spot is Mary Alice Park!

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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...

We'll try to get in the water ASAP, but as a gateway, this is awesome, 2 hours on the dam today - super fun.
Funny to see people's reaction - Sam was in the street for a little bit and people in cars - have - no - respect for human lives not in cars.

While we were winging on the sidewalk, people drove by and gawked and a few people were really psyched.

A lady came by and asked "what's the purpose of this?" Sam had the wing at the time, I was almost drunk on fun, I answered "what's the purpose of this?!" And and I was prepared to share my psyched state/philosophy of living at that instance and Sabine began to share, but the woman waved us off and continued on her walk - it was - funny/sad/whatever - haha.

Sam and Thea have such different styles, but they both were intuitive with the board and wing - super cool day :-).

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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...
rgenet wrote:

Randy's spot is Mary Alice Park!

I usually go there on easterlies early at least until it warms up enough to windfoil. If anyone is interested send me a PM. I do have an extra board suitable for either wind or wingskating. There are 4 places to ride there with varying surfaces - the beach (sometimes), rough pavement and some smooth pavement.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...
rgenet wrote:

A lady came by and asked "what's the purpose of this?"

"Because it's there"
George Mallory - 1924

You could use more words but it all comes back to the same thing. All of us here have a "there", and are better and, hopefully, happier for it.

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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...
webguy wrote:
rgenet wrote:

A lady came by and asked "what's the purpose of this?"

"Because it's there" George Mallory - 1924

You could use more words but it all comes back to the same thing. All of us here have a "there", and are better and, hopefully, happier for it.

Not the cheeriest analogy - Malory, probably was happier until he died climbing the mountain. He's still "there." I guess the moral of the story is "there" is a great place to visit, buy you wouldn't want to die "there".

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...
Randy wrote:
webguy wrote:
rgenet wrote:

A lady came by and asked "what's the purpose of this?"

"Because it's there" George Mallory - 1924

You could use more words but it all comes back to the same thing. All of us here have a "there", and are better and, hopefully, happier for it.

Not the cheeriest analogy - Malory, probably was happier until he died climbing the mountain. He's still "there." I guess the moral of the story is "there" is a great place to visit, buy you wouldn't want to die "there".

I thought before Jan 5 '21 the cliche "He died doing what he loved" to be dumb.

Since then, I'm even more convinced it's dumb. If it's all the same, I'd much rather have a few more days doing what I love and not be plucked off this mortal coil.

If it makes you feel any better, JFK used similar words when he described our motivation to go to the moon. Or to visit Dallas. Don't really remember which. (What, too soon?)

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Randy's picture
Joined: 05/05/2002 - 10:38
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Re: Thea skateboard winging Lake Windward Dam 2/2 ( decent...

It's always a good day to be on the right side of the dirt.

What happens in a black hole stays in a black hole.

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