Sun 2/18 nice sailing @ Lanier

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Joined: 02/18/2002 - 15:13
Posts: 7
Sun 2/18 nice sailing @ Lanier

Acute  Well, the wind was up, the wind was down, but I had a blast on my 6.5.  I will be happy for at least a week and will not sell my gear.  It was good to see lots of people out there.  I was suprised to see how many left around 3:00 when it was light for a while.  Around 3:30 it started up again and was much more consistent, William F, myself and one other guy were out having a good old time.

Gene and others, how was the coast?

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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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Re: Sun 2/18 nice sailing @ Lanier

Report from Huguenot Park (Jacksonville) Trip, Sat the wind was light, Joe OLeary sailed the big stuff, the rest of us watched and drank a beer or 2, Sun it was better and we sailed 7.5s to 8.5s, it was fairly warm, big suits but no gloves or hoods, Sunday NIGHT late it started to blow, early morning it was still pertty hard but it was cold, When it warmed up it had dropped off some, I sailed a 6.5, others sailed from 4.7 (Chris Pryon) to 7.0s.  Its dropped on off after about 3:00 and we went back out on the big stuff.


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