F-One: Wingsurfer's Guide in 3 parts

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Joined: 12/31/2000 - 22:01
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F-One: Wingsurfer's Guide in 3 parts

Good series of articles covers a lot of material if you are new to the sport.

This is the third and final blog on my Wingsurfers Guide Through Progression. If you missed the two earlier blogs on getting started you can review them here. They will help to give some context on my experience during the early days (funny, just 3 months ago) and lead up to this final blog. Thanks in advance for reviewing and hopefully this will help some of you out that are learning this relatively new sport. Now well into my efforts to become better at winging I’m very happy with the progress to date. As mentioned in previous blogs, it’s a quick learn if you can keep at it.

Part I : https://bayareakitesurf.com/f-one-rocket-air-surf-the-wingsurfers-guide-through-progression/
Part II: https://bayareakitesurf.com/part-ii-wingsurfers-guide-through-progression-rocket-wing-boards-by-brian-friedmann/
Part III: https://bayareakitesurf.com/part-iii-wingsurfers-guide-through-progression-how-to-choose-the-right-wing-foil-and-board-by-brian-friedmann/

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